How to Title an Essay: Useful Tips and Guidelines

Every academic paper written at high school or college must be performed perfectly. Flawless content is one of the top features of a great essay. Another top characteristic is a good title of a paper. Therefore, assuring a great essay title is the duty of every writer who wants to provide an excellent piece of writing. When you need to figure out how to title an essay, be ready to check the following guidelines and tips with judgment.

Surely, it is important to write an essay before preparing a title page. It is also true when you write an introduction. When you have a completed paper, it gets easier to title an essay since you know the entire concept of a paper, its purpose, and progress. Be ready to pay your time when writing a title. If you keep thinking about how to title an essay properly, read the following guidelines and useful tips carefully.

In fact, it is also important to follow the paper’s requirements provided by your tutor. It allows assuring a proper format and title structure. Be aware that a title is the first thing your readers see when they start checking your piece. Therefore, make it appealing and catching. Moreover, an essay title must cover the main idea of an entire paper. The title must persuade people to read an essay and get curious about the content revealed.

Top Characteristics and Elements of an Excellent Essay Title

When you tend to figure out how to title an essay, be ready to pay your attention to the title’s top characteristics. It will help you to provide a great essay title with all the top qualities assured. Moreover, you will get an excellent essay identifier.

The Top Characteristics of a Great Essay Title

In fact, the title of an essay paper must conceal the following top qualities:

  • Brief and concise – the title must be clear and short, and reveal the main message of an entire essay paper. There is no need to use long and complicated titles since they can be too confusing for readers and won’t let them get the main idea of a paper quickly.
  • Eye-catching – you must intrigue the reader from the very first words of your paper. Therefore, you need to prepare an eye-catching and appealing title of your essay paper that highlights the importance of an essay and its exceptional content.
  • True – this is the top quality of a good essay. Once trying to come up with an eye-catching title, students and numerous writers can provide quite untrue titles that do not reveal the real purpose of completes essay papers. Thus, make a title believable and reader-oriented.
  • Accurate – this is an additional characteristic of a good essay. The title of an essay must be both believable and accurate to let the reader get a clear idea of what you are planning to write in your paper.
  • Active voice – this is a quality that must be assured. You should be well-aware of the importance of active voice use in essay titles. It allows improving the title of a paper and assuring its proper explanation for a reader.
  • Easy to read – the title must be concise and understandable. The readers shouldn’t lose interest to your paper.

The Top Elements of an Excellent Essay Title

Every great title of an essay must include a set of top elements that make the title really exceptional. Be ready to use your creativity to come up with an excellent essay title. There is a writing formula for the perfect title of an essay. It covers a set of special elements that must be included in an essay heading.

These are the top elements of an excellent and eye-catching title of an essay paper:

  • A catchy hook – you must provide an impressive introduction of your paper, thus creativeness can be a great tool;
  • Main keywords – the topic keywords allow identifying and explaining the main concepts of an essay paper;
  • Extra keywords – help to provide more information on an essay’s main topic.

You can check the following example of an essay title to get additional tips. Be ready to come up with the original title for an essay.

Example: Get Your Innovative Software: The Advanced Technologies and Information Revolutions in The 21st Century

  • A catchy hook – get your innovative software;
  • Main keywords – advanced technologies, information revolutions;
  • Extra keywords – 21st Century.

How to Create an Original and Catching Essay Title

When you deal with tips on how to title an essay, be ready to understand the importance of a strong title for an entire written piece. Remember that writing a proper title can be really difficult. Even experienced writers often struggle with essay titles. Make sure you have completed your essay paper properly before creating the title of an essay.

Only after completing an entire paper, you can write a title. Be ready to check title requirements first. Numerous details like fond, form of letters, etc., are assigned by your tutor. Just make sure to check them carefully and focus on the main idea of your paper once outlining a title. Be careful with catchy hooks. Always make them appealing and informative.

You can add the main keywords into the title of an essay to highlight the main thesis statement. Moreover, since essay title must represent the main idea of an entire paper, it should not be too big but always remain very accurate and informative. Simplicity always brings additional advantages. A bunch of excessively complicated concepts will not let readers get the main message of a paper at once. In addition, the uniqueness of an essay title is important. Thus, make sure to provide the original title of an essay.

Things to Avoid When Creating an Essay Title

There are certain things you need to avoid when you tend to create an excellent essay title. With a bunch of tips on how to title an essay, there are common mistakes you should not make when title your paper. Make sure to avoid them in your writing process.

Check the following top things to avoid when creating an essay title:

  • Avoid passive voice – make your title really appealing and informative for a reader, thus avoid using a passive voice in an essay title;
  • Avoid negative topics – you can use various controversial topics, especially for research projects, but using negative issues can sound to unscrupulous or immoral;
  • Avoid being offensive – when you tend to analyze some controversial topics, make sure not to sound too offensive. This is not the best way to prove your arguments, and surely it won’t bring additional credits for your work.

Writing the title of an essay can be a tricky task. At the same time, once following the mentioned guidelines and recommendations, you can come up with an original essay title. In fact, it is also important to follow the paper’s requirements. It allows assuring a proper format and title structure. Learn in detail how to title an essay with the latest useful tips provided in an article and create your catchy, informative, and accurate title of an essay.

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